Saturday, 23 April 2011
Card jitsu
Card jitsu is a card game in which you have a selection of cards from three different elements FIRE,WATER and ICE also each card has a nubmer on it but it can only win if it either is A:the opposite element AKA fire beats ice ice beat water water beats fire or B:your card and the opponents card are the same element and your card has the higher number for example my card is water and your card is water I have a two and you have a ten you would win. (if they are the same element and number that bit was a draw) Once you have earned all the belts (which are items all penguins can have regardless of member or non member) and have the black belt you can challange sensai but don't be too dissapointed if you don't win at first just keep trying it took me a longggggggggggg time to beat him. I will also be posting guide to card jitsu fire and water WADDLE ON!!!