Saturday, 23 April 2011

Earth day 2011 scavenger hunt

The first egg is located in the dojo on the top right hand side.
For the second egg go to the dock and look on the right hand side past the blue thing look at the rocks.
For the next egg go to the forest and search to the right of the entrance to the hidden lake in the bushes
Next go to the underground pool and look at the lifeguards seat.
Heh heh the next clues pretty simple if you've got herbert's revenge go to the mine and look in the branches of the tree.
Now for the next egg go to the lodge attic and look in the top left corner
Next go to the ski hill and look to the middle left for an egg with a snowflake on it.
 Finally go to the snow forts and look in the bottom right corner.

As I said in the picture thanks for reading please become a follower of this blog if you like it and click on our sponsors to keep us running WADDLE ON!!!